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7% of the surveyed export-oriented small and medium-sizedenterprises have already used e-commerce to export goods to othermarkets, while there are relatively few small and medium-sizedenterprises in the Asia Pacific region (80%) and globally (80%). Itcan be seen that small and medium-sized enterprises have moreconfidence in the digital economy, with 61% of enterprisesbelieving that they will generate more revenue through e-commercein the next year, while global (40%) and Asia Pacific (44%) sharethe same idea, with small and medium-sized enterprises accountingfor about one-third less. The results indicate that e-commerce, asa driving force for business growth, can drive small andmedium-sized enterprises to enter new markets.
Despite sluggish global economic growth, small and medium-sizedenterprises are resisting global unfavorable factors and steadilydeveloping. Exports remain a stable source of income for theseinterviewed small and medium-sized enterprises, with 59% of theirtotal revenue coming from export business, while the major exportmarkets are India (39%), Pakistan (26%), and Japan (22%). 93% ofexport-oriented enterprises expect their current income leveldriven by exports to remain unchanged or achieve growth in the next12 months.
衡阳市FedEx快递咨询 衡阳市FedEx快递指南
According to the survey, small and medium-sized enterprises aremaking full use of the opportunities brought by e-commerceglobally, especially in two forms of e-commerce - mobile commerce(shopping on mobile devices) and social commerce (shopping throughsocial media platforms). 94% and 88% of surveyed small andmedium-sized enterprises generate revenue through mobile commerceand social platforms, respectively, while globally this proportionis 59% and 67%, respectively. And the revenue generated by smalland medium-sized enterprises through these two channels accountsfor 25% and 17% of their total export revenue, respectively.Moreover, they anticipate further growth in the future. Small andmedium-sized enterprises using relevant channels are expected toachieve growth in revenue through mobile commerce and socialcommerce in the next 12 months.
However, small and medium-sized enterprises realize that whilethe digital economy opens the door to opportunities, it alsointensifies competition. In fact, in addition to constantlyincreasing production costs becoming the most frequently mentionedbusiness challenge, the increasingly fierce competition from othermarkets and small and medium-sized enterprises is also a greatobstacle to development. However, small and medium-sizedenterprises are highly forward-looking, believing that technologyis an important means to solve these problems and help them enhancetheir export business. 48% of surveyed companies stated thatinvesting in new technologies is the primary solution to overcomecurrent business challenges, while 81% of companies believe thatnew technological innovations will make exports easier.